Sunday, March 29, 2009


昨天晚上,我目睹了一场最难忘的一幕。。。当天晚上,我和家人一起到Bukit Tinggi的餐馆享用晚餐。当我们在点菜的时候,我们隔壁桌的顾客竟然被打抢!我真的被吓着了,我是第一次目睹这样的情景!那位妇女面容失色,连喊救命的气力也没有,反而使我的妈妈比她还激动!那个画面,一直在我的脑海里浮现,无法“删除”。。。我真得很怕,也在想,如果那个妇女是我的妈妈,我会怎么做?追上前吗?就算我追到了又怎样?我忽然感到很无助。。我很怕,那件事会发生在我妈的身上,我又不能真正的保护我妈,躲得了一时,躲不了一世。。我在想,如果我是男生,那该有多好哇!。。。


  1. Dear little girl, we can only alert at all times on the surrounding and always be careful and observant and try not to carry handbag when going out either shopping or for lunch/dinner. All important documents like credit cards, IC etc should keep separately. House and car keys should keep in the car or put in your deep pocket.
    If possible please don't go out late and try not to have supper at night.
    Everyday, we read news on this and this incident happened in front of your own eyes that showed our society is no more safe and we have to be more careful when we are going out!
    Take care huh.

  2. im very glad tat i have a fren tat always care about her family ^_^
