Friday, October 23, 2009

JL champion only..don think dat u 're very pro!!!!!

JL...dis time u get champion din means u're de champion 4ever!
don always act dat face...looks like u're nt purposly..
dis competition is very unfair..
the best is shaoyun..
not you!!
u almost 破音,also can get de first prize?
den if i take part..i sure can get 总统大奖!
ur 拉音damn shit..
like tht means nice?
why those teachers so wierd?!
i wan 2 let everyone noe..
shao yun is always de champion !!!


  1. i agree with you! She everyday act that stupid FUCKING FACE and dhen with those group of 走狗,like the FUCKING FACE KainI and the Act cute and lak sue the wendy!
    Shao yun is the pro wan!

    By the way HM, congrats to your 拔河 competition

  2. 佳乐。。不要以为你生得丑。。。。有boyfriend就很厉害!跟你讲,你只不过是一个烂垃圾~~
